Not related to La Chua trail here in Alachua county... It is body-centered therapy that combines mental health counseling with massage therapy. "Our life experiences create networks of muscular tension (pain) that we remember as fears. Working the tissues with precise hand and finger positions and a stick called a ka, we transmit energy (Chi) to the bone, removing the tension. When we release physical tension, we release psychic tension" from the Arica school.
Some belief systems say that emotional traumas that caused pain can be stored in the physical body and either cause physical pain, no pain, or lead to disease (Myss 2008). Today during my first session, Paul did my feet. The feet reflect the fear of being oneself. In the calves; fear of action, in the knees; fear of death ('weak in the knees').
I didn't feel much sensation during the gentle massage and point pressure but I experienced some real grief a few hours later. Unusual opening was experienced with strong longing memories of my grandfather who was the most loving person in my childhood. All grasping must-do, be-busy layers were gone to reveal tender low energy. I just needed to lie in that...